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SandBox is the LibX world generation library. SandBox add some new datapack content for world generation and most notably a lot of data providers to generate worldgen data using the LibX datagen system.

The surface rule set and biome surface registries

A SurfaceRuleSet describes, how to dynamically create SurfaceRules based on the biomes that generate in a chunk generator. For each biome, it's possible to register a BiomeSurface with the same name and separate the biome specific surface rules from the generator settings.

This makes it considerably easier for other mods to add new biomes to a custom dimension and take the advantage of surface rules.

The biome layer registry

A BiomeLayer specifies a set of biomes and matching climate data that can generate in a MultiNoise based biome source. BiomeLayers are designed to make it possible to easily extend a dimension with new biomes without adjusting all the climate target values.

The template pool extension registry

A PoolExtension specifies new elements that should be added to a template pool without replacing the whole pool in a datapack. This makes it easy to extend structures like villages with custom buildings.

Layered biome source

A LayeredBiomeSource behaves like a MultiNoiseBiomeSource, however, it can work with multiple BiomeLayers and sample each layer in its own noise range, so they don't interfere.

Extended noise chunk generator

A version of a NoiseBasedChunkGnenerator that is capable of applying a SurfaceRuleSet and matching BiomeSurface.