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ModInit Registration

ModInit has a system to register each public static final field from a class into a set registry. If registry tracking is enabled, these fields will also be added as tracking targets for their contained elements. To get started, apply @RegisterClass to your class. The target registry is set by the registry field in @RegisterClass. This can be the empty string to register elements without a registry. (Only really makes sense on Registerables though) To set a registry, set the field name of a field from either the ForgeRegistries.Keys class or the Registries class. The field must be public static final and have a type of ResourceKey<? extends Registry<T>> where T is the type you want to register in that class.

If your registry key is stored in another class, you can use the registryClass field in @RegisterClass. This allows to set another class where the registry key is stored.

An example could look like this:

@RegisterClass(registry = "ITEM")
public class ModItems {

    public static final ItemBase rawSteel = new ItemBase(MyMod.getInstance(), new Item.Properties()); // mymod:raw_steel
    public static final Item steel = new Item(new Item.Properties().tab(MyMod.getInstance().tab)); // mymod:steel
    public static final Item chickenFricassee = new Item(new Item.Properties().food(Foods.CHICKEN)); // mymod:chicken_fricassee

The comment after each line shows the id used to register the item.

Customizing elements

To further customise, how elements are registered, use the annotations from @Reg:

  • @Reg.Exclude will exclude a field from registration.
  • @Reg.Name allows to set a custom name used for registration.