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SandBox datagen

SandBox provides a range of data providers for world generation related objects. These make use of the LibX datagen system to extend the datagen registry set.

All SandBox providers extend the base class RegistryProviderBase. The subclasses of these providers provide ways to create Holders of the elements you want to generate. These holders are intrusive and must be properly registered afterwards. RegistryProviderBase makes sure, each public, non-static field in the provider class that has a type of Holder and contains an intrusive holder when the provider runs, is added to the registry.

The id of the object is obtained from the field name, however, it's possible to change that id using the @Id annotation.


public class FeatureProvider extends FeatureProviderBase {

    public final Holder<PlacedFeature> bonusChests = this.placement(this.holder(MiscOverworldFeatures.BONUS_CHEST))

    @Id(namespace = "minecraft", value = "my_cool_feature")
    public final Holder<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> fillLayer = this.feature(Feature.FILL_LAYER, new LayerConfiguration(
            3, Blocks.COBWEB.defaultBlockState()

    public FeatureProvider(DatagenContext ctx) {