All Classes and Interfaces

A factory for menus that can take some kind of extra payload.
A menu type for advanced men factories.
Base provider for custom advancements.
A task factory can define multiple tasks.
A Component that has been aligned for display on a TextScreen.
Specifies text-wrapping properties.
An AbstractWidget that has been aligned for display on a TextScreen.
An ItemStackHandler that can be configured with common things required for many inventories.
Builder for a BaseItemStackHandler
A slot that is meant to be used together with BaseItemStackHandler.
A biome layer is a set of biomes and climate parameters that can generate in a noise range.
SandBox provider for biome layers.
SandBox provider for biome modifiers.
SandBox provider for biomes.
Defines surface rules specific to a biome.
Base class for blocks for mods using ModXRegistration.
Base class for blocks with block entities for mods using ModXRegistration.
A base class for block entities.
A BlockMenu for blocks with block entities.
A class used in the drops method to reduce ambiguity and make the code more readable.
A DefaultMenu for menus related to a block in the world.
A base class for block state and model providers.
Provides keys for builtin render types to use.
Basic properties for a patchouli book.
Wraps a pure function.
A lazy value that is resolved when it is first used.
Auxiliary classes to to register capability providers easily.
Wraps a capability provider for a block capability.
Wraps a capability provider for a block capability.
Wraps a capability provider for an entity capability.
Wraps a capability provider for an item capability.
Base class for pages with some special content that can be followed by some text.
Builder for a patchouli book category.
Utilities for instances of the Class class.
Auxiliary classes to to register client extensions easily.
Wraps some client block extensions.
Wraps some client fluid type extensions.
Wraps some client item extensions.
Wraps a screen constructor.
Wraps some client mob effect extensions.
On the client, this counts the ticks in game.
Some utilities to deal with codecs.
Class to retrieve generated codecs.
A widget that lets a user select a colour.
Utilities for commands.
A wrapper for the network implementation of LibX.
A provider for block, item and fluid tags.
A layout that aligns components on a TextScreen.
Utilities for text components.
A RecipeExtension with default methods for compressing things.
This annotation is added to a field that serves as a config value.
An instance of this interface is passed when a config is corrected.
A config editor provides the logic on how to display a config value in a GUI.
Fired whenever a LibX config is loaded.
A reason for a config to load
Provides a config system for configuration files that is meant to be more easy and powerful than the system by neoforge based on NightConfig.
Interface that defines content for custom config editor screens.
Provides access to some screen operations.
A config validator is used to read a custom validation annotation from a config field and validate the value so it for example matches an int range.
A consumer that takes 3 parameters.
A consumer that takes 4 parameters.
A consumer that takes 5 parameters.
A consumer that takes 6 parameters.
A consumer that takes 7 parameters.
A consumer that takes 8 parameters.
Defines some content for a patchouli book entry.
A RecipeExtension for shaped and shapeless recipes.
Can be implemented on items to provide custom logic on how CreativeTabX should fill them by default.
Class to register and populate a creative tab.
Registry provider for damage type.
Context for creation of data and registry providers.
A stage in the LibX datagen system.
Utilities to load data from a ResourceManager
A factory to map a resource to something else.
Adds some utilities for creating custom dynamic datapacks.
A block that registers some decoration blocks with it based on a DecorationContext.
A context that defines, what elements should be registered with a DecoratedBlock.
Provides some context about the block being decorated.
Something that is registered together with a DecoratedBlock.
Recipe extension to add some default recipes.
A base class for menus that handles basic menu logic such as shift-clicks, and laying out slots.
SandBox provider for dimensions.
SandBox provider for dimension types.
A BlockEntityRenderer that before calling the actual render code rotates the PoseStack depending on the facing.
Holds 6 different VoxelShapes, one for each facing.
A polynomial with double coefficients.
Config validator annotation that checks whether a double is in a range of allowed values.
The dynamic codec field type will create a map codec from a static method The method is defined through the fields defined in the annotation.
This allows you to have multiple resource and datapacks in your mod file.
This interface can be implemented by widgets, so other config editors can control them.
An ingredient that checks for potion effects to be present on a potion.
Registry provider for enchantments and enchantment providers.
A DefaultMenu for entities.
Builder for a patchouli book entry.
A case insensitive version of EnumArgument.
Data serializers for enums.
A Registerable that registers multiple objects, one for each value of an enum.
Elements annotated with Experimental are subject to change.
A version of NoiseBasedChunkGenerator that allows overriding the surface rules, taking BiomeSurface into account.
SandBox provider for configured and placed features.
A GuiGraphics that overrides all methods and passes them through to the given parent.
A simple wrapper around an IItemHandler that limits the possibility to insert or extract items.
Config validator annotation that checks whether a float is in a range of allowed values.
A flow box can align elements horizontally inside a TextScreen that align items vertically by default.
Specifies the horizontal alignment of elements inside a FlowBox.
Specifies the horizontal alignment of elements inside a FlowBox.
A Registerable that registers a fluid type, source and flowing fluid, a liquid block and a bucket item.
Normally ModInit will infer the mod id and mod class from your @Mod annotation.
A function that takes 3 parameters and returns a value.
A function that takes 4 parameters and returns a value.
A function that takes 5 parameters and returns a value.
A function that takes 6 parameters and returns a value.
A function that takes 7 parameters and returns a value.
A function that takes 8 parameters and returns a value.
A BlockEntity used with BlockBE can implement this.
Interface to modify a singleton loot entry to a new loot entry.
A value mapper for a generic type.
Data provider for global loot modifiers.
A builder class for loot conditions.
This annotation can be added to a static class inside a config class to add a comment to a subgroup.
Interface to access different registered parts of a hanging sign.
A PlacementFilter for filtering by the absolute placement position.
Rich interface that provides some default methods to an IItemHandler.
Rich interface that provides some default methods to an IItemHandlerModifiable.
Can be applied to fields in subclasses of RegistryProviderBase to register an element by a different id.
Helper to render scenes into images in the context of minecraft.
Helper methods to transform images.
An Ingredient with an amount.
Defines which input is valid and how to convert input for text input editors.
Fired on right click with an empty hand but after the block action was processed.
A polynomial with integer coefficients.
Config validator annotation that checks whether an integer is in a range of allowed values.
A PlacementFilter for inverting other filters.
Base class for items for mods using ModXRegistration.
Base class for items which have an inventory.
A base class for item model provider.
This class is meant to apply a BlockEntityRenderer to items.
A BiomeSource that can generate multiple layers using multiple noise biome sources.
An immutable map with lazy populated values.
A lazy value that is resolved when it is first used.
LibX instance class.
Utility methods to convert amounts (must be > 0) that are stored as long to int.
An IEnergyStorage that allows storing the energy value as long.
Config validator annotation that checks whether a long is in a range of allowed values.
Contains builders vor various loot table entry containers.
Interface to get a loot entry from an item.
Interface to modify a singleton loot entry to a new singleton loot entry.
A factory that creates a ValueMapper by the generic type of a config key.
A base class for menus.
This class registers a menu with the Block.
This class registers a menu to its block entity type and handles the gui opening when the block is right clicked.
Some miscellaneous stuff that does not fit anywhere else.
Can be attached to public static non-final baked model fields.
A base class for a mod that uses LibX.
You need to extend this instead of ModX if you want to use the LibX registration system.
Provides additional codecs.
Provides additional stream codecs.
Utilities to deal with NBT.
A class implementing network logic.
SandBox provider for noise related data.
A slot that no items can be inserted in.
A pack target contains output paths for the different pack types.
An interface that defines methods, instances of Content can use to build book pages.
Some utilities for creating pages in a patchouli book.
An AbstractWidget that is composed of multiple other widgets.
The parameter codec field type will try to store and load a parameter based on a different codec.
A provider for patchouli categories and entries.
This annotation can be added to a class to instruct ModInit to always register instances of that class without a registry and don't check the element type.
Represents a polynomial with coefficients of type T.
Specifies an extension to a template pool.
A predicate that takes 3 parameters.
A predicate that takes 4 parameters.
A predicate that takes 5 parameters.
A predicate that takes 6 parameters.
A predicate that takes 7 parameters.
A predicate that takes 8 parameters.
This is used to create very simple Codecs for classes.
A recipe extension is an interface that provides logic for a RecipeProviderBase.
Content for pages with a single recipe followed by some text.
Provider for all kinds of recipes.
A wrapper for an element that implements equals and hashCode for reference equality, no matter what the actual implementation of these methods does for the value of the Ref object.
Container annotation.
Marks a field as excluded from registration.
Explicitly sets a name for a field that is registered.
Everything that is registered to ModXRegistration that implements this can specify dependencies and things to be done during setup phase.
Interface to collect additional objects that are registered together with a Registerable.
Can be applied to a class to register all public static final fields to a ModXRegistration.
Automatically registers a class as a LibX config.
Automatically registers a value mapper or mapper factory for the LibX config system.
A registration builder is used to configure the LibX registration system and adjust the behaviour of it.
Provides some data that is present during registration like the id and registry key of the object being registered.
A registry condition is used by the LibX registration system to prevent things passed to the register methods from being registered.
A registry provider is the analogue of a DataProvider for the registry setup and extension setup stages.
Base provider for all SandBox data providers.
Provides access to datagen registries.
A registry transformer is used by the LibX registration system to register additional things dynamically based on other objects, that have been passed to the system.
Marks the version in which a feature will be removed.
Some utilities for rendering in general.
Helper to deal with Block rendering
Helper class to render fluids into a GUI.
Utilities for rendering in the level.
A render job defines the logic on how to render a scene into an image.
Thrown when a RenderJob fails to render correctly.
A reason for the RenderJob to fail.
Represents a resource entry defined by its ResourceLocation used as id and a Resource used to access the resource entry.
A Predicate for resource locations implemented as a list of rules that will be applied one after another.
And entry that represents a rule in this ResourceList.
A BlockEntityRenderer that before calling the actual render code rotates the PoseStack depending on the horizontal facing.
Holds 4 different VoxelShapes, one for each horizontal facing.
SandBox is the LibX worldgen library.
Provides some more useful DensityFunctions density functions.
Utilities to send messages to a set of players on the server.
An extension of RegistrationContext that is used during setup phase.
Config validator annotation that checks whether a short is in a range of allowed values.
Interface to access different registered parts of a standing sign.
Interface to get a singleton loot entry from an item.
A RecipeExtension for smelting, blast furnace, smoker and campfire recipes.
A RecipeExtension for recipes in the smithing table..
A base class for sound definition providers.
An IItemHandlerModifiable with a MutableDataComponentHolder as backend.
A RecipeExtension for stone cutting recipes.
SandBox provider for structure processors.
SandBox provider for structures.
SandBox provider for structure sets.
Marker annotation for abstract methods.
SandBox provider for surface rule sets and biome surface.
Defines logic to override the NoiseGeneratorSettings for an ExtendedNoiseChunkGenerator.
A provider for tags of a type.
SandBox provider for template pool extensions.
SandBox provider for template pools.
Content that generates one or multiple text pages and automatically wraps the text.
Allows text in the lang file to define style information.
A screen to display mostly text and optionally some widgets defined by a ComponentLayout.
An object that has been aligned for display on a TextScreen.
An object that has been aligned for display on a TextScreen or a FlowBox.
A texture builder is used to preload required textures to build another texture and compute scales for the source textures and the target texture.
A factory to generate a texture.
Helper functions for custom texture factories.
A provider to generate textures during datagen.
Provides preloaded textures, a computed target texture scale and source texture scales.
A BlockEntity used with BlockBE can implement this.
A RecipeExtension that adds the ability to add common tool recipes easily.
A BlockEntityRenderer that transforms the pose stack in some way before the actual render code.
An encoder that can encode and decode elements of a specific type.
Interface to retrieve information about a validator used on a config element
A way to serialise values of a specific type for a config file.
Wraps an IItemHandlerModifiable to a vanilla Container.
Properties for a widget created by a ConfigEditor.