Class InteractBlockEmptyHandEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InteractBlockEmptyHandEvent extends Event implements ICancellableEvent
Fired on right click with an empty hand but after the block action was processed. If this is not canceled, InteractionResult.PASS is returned from the click. If this is canceled, the value of cancellationResult is returned. This is only fired on the server. IMPORTANT: Canceling this with InteractionResult.CONSUME for the main hand does not mean it won't be posted for the offhand. For this cancel PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock on the client. Returning InteractionResult.SUCCESS will swing the arm. However, it will first try to propagate to the offhand. So in order to swing the main hand, the event for the main hand has to return InteractionResult.SUCCESS and for the offhand InteractionResult.PASS.
  • Constructor Details

    • InteractBlockEmptyHandEvent

      public InteractBlockEmptyHandEvent(net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer player, level, hand, hit)
  • Method Details

    • getPlayer

      public net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer getPlayer()
    • getLevel

      public getLevel()
    • getHand

      public getHand()
    • getHit

      public getHit()
    • getCancellationResult

      public getCancellationResult()
    • setCancellationResult

      public void setCancellationResult( cancellationResult)