Interface RegistryProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
AnyTemplateProviderBase, BiomeLayerProviderBase, BiomeModifierProviderBase, BiomeProviderBase, BlockLootProviderBase, ChestLootProviderBase, DamageTypeProviderBase, DimensionProviderBase, DimensionTypeProviderBase, EnchantmentProviderBase, EntityLootProviderBase, FeatureProviderBase, LootProviderBase, NoiseProviderBase, RegistryProviderBase, StructureProcessorProviderBase, StructureProviderBase, StructureSetProviderBase, SurfaceProviderBase, TemplateExtensionProviderBase, TemplateProviderBase

public interface RegistryProvider
A registry provider is the analogue of a DataProvider for the registry setup and extension setup stages. It can register elements to the relevant registries which will be written to the datagen output once the datagen finishes.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the name of the provider.
    Runs the provider.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the name of the provider.
    • run

      void run()
      Runs the provider.